Monday, July 19, 2010

What is Holding Me Back?

We trust in it, most of us, whenever we seat ourselves and our loved ones in a car and head down the highway. We know it is there, that it has been tested and fitted to best suit our highest degree of safety. Even that all familiar ‘click’ lets us know everything is in place. But why do strap ourselves into a four thousand pound moving piece of steel or fiberglass?

Because we were told to do so?

For some, maybe, but for others…


We believe it is going to save us.

Now this is not to bash seat belts, I do mine up every time, but it does help illustrate the point. Really it comes down to belief in the harness that it will work; belief in the manufacture, belief in the safety studies, belief in the design, belief that it won’t fail this one time, etc. These beliefs hold us back in times of strife and I am thankful that they do so. But when applied to the science of the mind, something that works better when it is free, it is just the opposite.

“The mind is like a parachute. It works best when it is open.”
-Sir Thomas Robert Dewar

The question to ask now is...

“What are my beliefs?”

And to take it one step further…

“What are my limiting beliefs?”

Another word for limiting beliefs is an excuse. Last post we discussed the idea that if you don’t have what you focus your intention on it may be due to a belief that you do not actually want it. Underlying this motive could be the belief that you are not able to get it. Instead of working those extra hours to save up for your dream car it is easier to say...

“Ah, I didn’t want it anyways. I am perfectly happy with my mini van.”

In fact I would stress to take it even further than that and say that almost all beliefs present in any given belief system are limiting. How many times have you heard that only smart or good looking people get what they want? It comes so easily to the naturally gifted maybe? Sure talent and ability are key factors in accomplishing any goal, but without belief it is just a fancy wrapping to an empty gift box.

If you have ever seen the movie Rudy played by Sean Astin you would have a perfect example of what I am saying here.

So take the time, find out what excuses are present in life and let them go. Undo the seat belt to your mind. Instead of describing why it can’t start figuring out how it can. These dreams we have are way too good to be passed by.

Why not?

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