So we have defined desire, we have declared our intentions, we let go of limiting beliefs, we began to fallow our heart and to find our purpose. That is a good track to be on. Now we are going to examine some of the processes to make this all work, to get what we really want.
First we need to define what it really means to want something.
In the New Testament the ‘kingdom of heaven’ was likened to sowing mustard seeds in a field. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) said that the kingdom of heaven is “a condition of the heart -not something that comes upon the earth or after death.” When you sow good seed in good soil and take care to remove the weeds you get a good harvest. Likewise when you sow good ideas in the garden of your mind and protect yourself from corrupting influences they will yield good results. The kingdom of heaven is not a corner office in the sky, but rather a condition of ever expanding good on a deeper soul level.
This idea of ever expanding good when applied to our lives causes us to be the caretakers of our mind. Take care as to what weeding needs to be done for your situation.
Really what this means on a universal consciousness level is that everything has a desire to grow. Nobility is not being superior to those around you; true nobility is being superior to your previous self. Knowing this truth we can begin to see how these desires we have are actually a calling to grow and become a better person.
To illustrate what I mean here let us take the example of winning the lottery. When someone wins $50,000 in one day did anything grow inside of them? Maybe their ego grew if anything, but did they sow and harvest any good seeds in their mind? These people may go off and buy a fancy new car or some nice two week vacation, but for the most part they ultimately end back up where they started. Sometimes it ends even worse. Now you compare that to the person who earned $50,000 in one day and the differences in attitude is drastically different. They are more likely to use the money investing to make more than to spend it on a frilly gimmick for a one time benefit. Let us imagine that each person finds themselves $50,000 in debt, who is more likely to work through this situation? Chances are the person who won $50,000 won’t win it again in time to pay off the debt. The person who earned $50,000 knows they can do it again and most likely will to pay off the debt. Which person is a better caretaker of their mind?
I challenge you to ask yourself this one question that you may have not thought about before; “Why do I desire this?” Knowing that when we desire something it is actually a calling to grow, to become better than we previously were, why do we want to become better than our previous selves? This next part is really going to flip your lid.
Time is usually thought of in a linear mode in modern western society. This means that basically we are in the moment, the past is behind us and the future is ahead of us wherever that may be. However this may not be the case in my fallowing example. Time is also thought to be more of a cyclical nature meaning that everything that has happened, that is happening and is going to happen are all taking place at the same time. A ‘bubble of time’ is used to explain this idea. Albert Einstein is quoted as “We convinced physicists, the distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion, however persistent.”
In quantum physics there is a theory of ‘time-inversion’ known as Wheeler–Feynman absorber theory. What it means in layman terms is when a beam light is being directed toward a detector forward through time there is also a beam of light that goes backwards in time from the detector to the source. It is used to explain certain phenomena of elementary particles to instantaneously jump from space to space.
We can take the ideas of time-inversion and ever expanding good while combining it with our desire to get some very interesting ideas. Whenever we have a desire it is like a beam of light being projected from our minds. That beam hits our detector otherwise known as our future results. That means in some future time in some ‘parallel universe’ our results have manifested (been detected) and we are getting the signal that went back in time. Whenever we have a desire it is actually a greater version of ourselves calling back to us.
We cannot desire something without having the ability to obtain it.
It is our purpose in life to grow and become a bigger version of ourselves. When we desire something it is not the physical thing that is the true and underlying motivator. Each person with $50,000 has the ability to spend it the same way. The difference is one will continue to grow while the other will not. It is not having the $50,000 that is important, it is the person you become in order to have the $50,000 that is.
True wealth can be defined as what you have left after all your worldly possessions are taken away from you.
Use your worldly desires to become a better person and those seeds you have sown into your mind will become fruitful and plentiful.
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